НПП РУСМЕТ отмечает юбилей, нам 15 лет!
В октябре 2023 года НПП РУСМЕТ отмечает юбилей, нам 15 лет! Мы, коллектив РУСМЕТ, сердечно поздравляем наших любимых заказчиков, поставщиков и сотрудников с этой знаменательной датой. Итогами 15 лет работ стали реализованные проекты, работающие на благо нашей страны и приносящие […]
NPP RUSMET is 13 years old!
Waste Tech 2021, September 7–9, 2021, Moscow, Crocus Expo
Waste Tech 2021 is getting acquainted with technologies and solutions for the waste management industry, discussion and handling of specialized issues and invaluable exchange of experience, search for the best and profitable propositions from suppliers […]
Orbital welding
Modern food, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries set very high requirements to the quality of the surface of technical equipment in contact with the product, and especially, to welded joint quality. Welding is the most common method used in the manufacture of metal structures of various destinations. Welded joint of various parts into a whole is considered so far the most reliable and firm, and is rightly considered one of the most […]
19 October is the Birthday of NPP RUSMET PLANT!
For this period, many interesting and successful projects were completed. We gained many victories, and faced many difficult situations together. Due to professionality, responsibility, and team spirit, we've always been succeeding in solving challenges to the Company […]
WasteTech 2020 on 8-10 September in Krokus
In 2020, the 12th International Exhibition WasteTech is held, the largest international exhibition for waste management, ecology, and renewable energy in Russia. This exhibition is considered the unique site uniting representatives of public authorities, business entities, and community representatives, thus contributing to the solution of the waste management sector issues […]
NPP RUSMET delivered radial sludge scraper with a peripheral drive
In February 2020, delivery of a unit for sewage sludge sweeping from bottom and collection of floating items from the surface of the initial radial-flow setting tank 20 m in diameters for use by SUE "St. Petersburg Water Service Company." The equipment will provide reliability and accident-free operation of purification plants […]