Adsorption filters RUMFITA.S are used to clean gas and air emissions from objects of the sewer network of a settlement, namely sewer pumping stations, mines, wells, sewage treatment plants, etc.

Sewer network facilities are traditionally considered to be sources of foul-smelling gas-air emissions, which include hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, mercaptans, etc. With the improvement of urban amenities, the saturation of their territories with engineering communications is constantly growing, as a result, the control of air emissions becomes an increasingly serious social problem for city authorities and water utilities.

The adsorptive filters of the RUMFIT-A.S brand
The adsorptive filters of the RUMFIT-A.S brand
The adsorptive filters of the RUMFIT-A.S brand
The adsorptive filters of the RUMFIT-A.S brand
The adsorptive filters of the RUMFIT-A.S brand
The adsorptive filters of the RUMFIT-A.S brand
The adsorptive filters of the RUMFIT-A.S brand
The adsorptive filters of the RUMFIT-A.S brand
The adsorptive filters of the RUMFIT-A.S brand
The adsorptive filters of the RUMFIT-A.S brand
The adsorptive filters of the RUMFIT-A.S brand
The adsorptive filters of the RUMFIT-A.S brand


Принцип процесса очистки, реализуемого фильтром RUMFIT-A.S, заключается в сорбции летучих органических соединений, содержащихся в газо-воздушном выбросе, в слое фильтрующей загрузки. В качестве фильтрующей загрузки используется высокоактивный гранулированный активированный уголь на основе кокосовой скорлупы, специально созданный для очистки воздуха, обладающий ультрамикроскопической структурой и способный селективно извлекать и концентрировать на своей поверхности отдельные компоненты из газовой среды.

Absorption occurs due to the penetration of substances into the pores of activated carbon, the gradual filling of pores and the subsequent retention of substances in the pores. The retention of substances is due to the prevailing physical forces of the interaction of activated carbon atoms and molecules of the substance. This interaction leads to the fact that the molecules of the substance are retained for some time at the phase boundary. The greater the energy of interaction of the molecules of a substance with the surface of activated carbon, the longer the molecules of substance will be on the interface, i.e. exist in an adsorbed state. After a certain period of time, activated carbon must be replaced with a fresh one, as there is a likelihood of a "slip" of substances.


Depending on the specifics of the object by design, filters are made:

  • in the cylindrical and rectangular case;
  • with a vertical or horizontal adsorbent layer;
  • filling or cassette type.

Main characteristics:

  • productivity is up to 10 000 m3/h;
  • pollutant and odor removal efficiency up to 99%;
  • humidity of the cleaned air 60-99%;
  • lack of formation of new pollutants in the purified air;
  • the possibility of operation in an oxygen-free environment and at explosive concentrations of methane;
  • исполнение из нержавеющей стали марки aisi304 или aisi316;
  • filter design provides low inlet resistance;
  • permissible change (short-term salvo increase) of pollutant concentrations without impairing the quality of air purification.

The company "RUSMET" LTD is ready to offer a full range of services, including:

  • instrumental study of sources of gas-air emissions, qualitative and quantitative composition of pollutants;
  • development of a technological scheme for air purification and technological regulations;
  • design of an air purification system;
  • manufacturing and supply of equipment;
  • installation and commissioning;
  • warranty service.

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