Using modern calculation and design programs, the company's specialists create metal structures based on the selection of the necessary metal thicknesses and beam sections. The use of this technology with the use of special high-quality steels allows getting one-span objects of a sufficiently large span. Such designs have good weight characteristics while maintaining all the strength properties. This makes possible to obtain high-performance structures and reduce metal consumption per square meter of the building.
The company carries out a full construction cycle - design, manufacture of metal structures, their transportation and installation. Having a closed construction cycle, the company can significantly reduce the construction time of the facility by combining design with the manufacture and installation of metal structures.
The welding line for tank production is certified in accordance with the requirements for mandatory certification of capacitive production, with the issuance of the CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY ROSS C-RU.AG85.V.06831.
COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE OF ROSS RU.AYU31.N12746 obtained for metal parts and billets of high accuracy using the technology of plasma and gas cutting of metal. In addition to providing metalworking services, the company designs and manufactures objects from metal structures for various purposes. From simple storage facilities to sophisticated technological buildings, sports facilities, retail and leisure facilities.